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Tonsillectomy can be performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia

Tonsillectomy can be performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia
Author: Dr. İsmayıl İ. Category: Throat
Published:  2022 - 03 - Nov

1 - Local anesthesia for tonsillectomy

Local anesthesia has been used quite rarely in recent years. And there are reasons for this:
- allergic reactions to anesthetics are not uncommon, sometimes ending in allergic shock
- the surgeon does not have the opportunity due to the patient's condition against the background of a constantly forced open mouth, heavy bleeding, the patient's desire to take a breath, normally and leisurely perform the operation without errors and in more detail
- some patients, especially those with emotional lability, may lose consciousness due to arterial collapse

How is local anesthesia administered for tonsillectomy?
First, the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and the root of the tongue is irrigated (to suppress the gag reflex) with a 10% solution of lidocaine.
Then the anesthetic is infiltrated into the submucosal space of the palatine arches. As an anesthetic, 1% novocaine and 2% lidocaine are most often used.
Infiltration is carried out in certain areas and points. This is the place where the anterior and posterior palatine arches meet, in the middle part of the tonsil, at the base of the anterior palatine arch, in the posterior palatine arch. Injection of the needle should be within 0.8 cm approximately and with a mandatory check of entry into the vessels. The volume of the injected solution at each point should be approximately 2.5 ml.

2 - General anesthesia or anesthesia for tonsillectomy
Most often in the modern world, endotracheal anesthesia (general anesthesia or narcosis) is used. In the hands of an experienced and well-prepared anesthesiologist, modern anesthesia is a guaranteed condition for the normal work of the surgeon and ultimately ensures an excellent result of the operation.