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Treatment of chronic tonsillitis depends on the presence or absence of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis and laboratory and clinical parameters.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis depends on the presence or absence of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis and laboratory and clinical parameters.
Author: Dr. İsmayıl İ. Category: Throat
Published:  2022 - 03 - Nov

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis depends on the laboratory and clinical parameters of the course of chronic tonsillitis and on whether there is an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis or not.
With exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, treatment is carried out, which depends on the cause that caused this exacerbation. If there is a bacterial cause of exacerbation, then antibiotics are prescribed in tablet, liquid or injectable forms. Antibiotics prevent the likelihood of complications, both local and general.
If we are talking about viral causes, then antiviral treatment is prescribed. With a fungal nature - respectively, antifungal treatment. In addition, rinsing with various antiseptic agents is prescribed, but their effectiveness has not been proven. Physiotherapy during exacerbation is contraindicated.

In the stage of remission, treatment depends on the laboratory and clinical parameters of the course of chronic tonsillitis.

There are various conservative treatments for chronic tonsillitis, but they are not aimed at curing chronic tonsillitis, all these methods are an attempt to prolong the remission of chronic tonsillitis.
These methods include:
1. Physiotherapy for chronic tonsillitis - these are physiotherapeutic procedures such as gallotherapy, magnetic laser exposure to lymph nodes, phonophoresis and UVI (ultraviolet irradiation) of palatine tonsils
2. Sanation, washing of the tubules of the palatine tonsils in chronic tonsillitis is a direct washing of the lacunae of the palatine tonsils with special antiseptic and antibacterial solutions. There are various methods of sanitation, washing of the palatine tonsils in chronic tonsillitis.
These include:
- Flushing with a needleless syringe - cleansing tissues under the pressure of a jet of antiseptic solution.
 - Vacuum aspiration - suction of caseous masses from the lacunae of the palatine tonsils under negative pressure, which creates a special device
- The method of ultrasonic cleaning of the lacunae of the palatine tonsils with the Tonsillor apparatus, which provides a double effect: ultrasound improves the blood supply to the tissues of the palatine tonsils, breaks caseous masses into tiny particles, and a vacuum nozzle evacuates them from the tissues of the tonsils by washing and aspiration.

There is only one method of complete cure of chronic tonsillitis. And this surgical treatment is tonsillectomy.
There are various ways of tonsillectomy.
We list the most common:
1.Classic tonsillectomy
2. Cold plasma tonsillectomy
3. Tonsillectomy with a surgical coagulator
4. Tonsillectomy with surgical plasma
5. Tonsillectomy with a surgical laser

Indications for surgery:
1 - General rheumatic complications of chronic tonsillitis
2 - Local complications of chronic tonsillitis (Abscess of the posterior pharyngeal wall, Peritonsillar abscess, Cervical purulent lymphadenitis)
3 - Frequent recurrence of the disease:
      - 7 episodes of tonsillitis per year.
      - 5 cases during the year for 2 years.
      - 3 episodes of tonsillitis per year for 3 consecutive years.

Contraindications to the surgical method of treatment:
- Severe heart failure.
- Uncompensated diabetes mellitus.
- Kidney failure.
- Blood diseases accompanied by an increased risk of bleeding (various forms of hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopathy, leukemia, thrombocytopenic purpura).
- Malignant diseases of various localization.
- Pulmonary tuberculosis in active form.
- Acute period of infectious diseases.

Tonsillectomy can be performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia - you can learn more about this by clicking on the link provided.